If-Then: An Introduction to Programming
The Adventure
Get to know coding and conditional statements with a simple programming game.
- Investigate computers and software. How do they work?
- Investigate conditional statements. What are they and why are they important in programming?
- Select an individual to be a Programmer while everyone else is a Computer.
- Have the Programmer stand in front of the group and give command that follows the structure of "If I __, then you __" for instance "If I raise my arm, then you raise your arm" or "If I stand on one leg, then you turn in a circle".
- Have the Computers follow the Programmer before the Programmer gives another command.
- Repeat the rounds with different Programmers.
- Try different levels of commands. For instance, you can start with 'If I do this, then you do this' before going to 'If I do this, then you do that' and then 'If I do this, then you do that, else you do something else' (If-Then-Else), and finally a speed elimination round of 'If-Then-Else'.
- Did the Programmer manage to effectively convey the commands to the Computers? Could the Computers follow the commands?
- What did you enjoy the most by playing If-Then? What did you learn?
- How could you change the rules of the game to make it easier or harder? How could you involve different senses?
- The rules of If-Then can be amended for different sections, increasing the complexity for older sections.
- This challenge card would work well for a night or activity around programming or robots.