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If-Then: An Introduction to Programming


Joey Scouts Cub Scouts Scouts

Challenge Areas

Personal Growth

Scout Method Elements

Learning By Doing Personal Progression Youth Leading, Adults Supporting

SPICES Growth Areas

Intellectual Physical

The Adventure

Get to know coding and conditional statements with a simple programming game.


  1. Investigate computers and software. How do they work?
  2. Investigate conditional statements. What are they and why are they important in programming?


  1. Select an individual to be a Programmer while everyone else is a Computer.
  2. Have the Programmer stand in front of the group and give command that follows the structure of "If I __, then you __" for instance "If I raise my arm, then you raise your arm" or "If I stand on one leg, then you turn in a circle".
  3. Have the Computers follow the Programmer before the Programmer gives another command.
  4. Repeat the rounds with different Programmers.
  5. Try different levels of commands. For instance, you can start with 'If I do this, then you do this' before going to 'If I do this, then you do that' and then 'If I do this, then you do that, else you do something else' (If-Then-Else), and finally a speed elimination round of 'If-Then-Else'.


  1. Did the Programmer manage to effectively convey the commands to the Computers? Could the Computers follow the commands?
  2. What did you enjoy the most by playing If-Then? What did you learn?
  3. How could you change the rules of the game to make it easier or harder? How could you involve different senses?


  • The rules of If-Then can be amended for different sections, increasing the complexity for older sections.
  • This challenge card would work well for a night or activity around programming or robots.