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Cave Cats Logic Puzzle


Cub Scouts Scouts Venturer Scouts Rover Scouts

Challenge Areas

Personal Growth

Scout Method Elements

Learning By Doing Personal Progression Patrol System Youth Leading, Adults Supporting

SPICES Growth Areas


The Adventure

Build your problem solving skills and use a process of elimination to work out which cat lives in which cave, what pet each cat has, what the favourite food of each cat is, and how old each cat is.


  1. Explore logic puzzles. What are they and what skills do they use? You may find it useful to try some basic logic puzzles to build your skills.
  2. Gather equipment that you may find useful to help you solve the puzzle. This may include props of the puzzle or paper and a pen.
  3. Read the scenario for the task before reading the clues in the 'Do' section.

The Scenario

  • There are five different cats living on the jungle island (Jaguar, Leopard, Ocelot, Puma, Tiger).
  • They live in a line of caves (A, B, C, D, E).
  • Each cat has a different favourite food (Fish, Pigs, Racoons, Snakes, Turtles).
  • Each cat is a different age (2, 3, 4, 5, 7).


Use the following clues to work out which cat lives in which cave, what food they eat and their age.

  1. The Puma is the oldest animal.
  2. The animal that eats snakes lives next to the animal that eats racoons.
  3. The ocelot is twice the age of the jaguar.
  4. The 2-year-old and the 7-year-old cannot live next to each other.
  5. The animal that eats snakes has a 6 letter name.
  6. The Tiger lives to the left of the Ocelot and the right of the Leopard (but not necessarily directly next to them).
  7. The Jaguar cannot live in an end cave.
  8. The animal that eats fish lives in Cave A.
  9. The Puma lives in Cave D.
  10. The 7-year-old eats racoons.
  11. The 5-year-old eats Pigs and lives in the middle cave.


  1. Did you manage to solve the puzzle? You can check your answer against the solution.
  2. What skills did you use and develop to solve the puzzle?
  3. Did you find that other members of your patrol had different approaches to solving the riddle? How?