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Race Around the Jungle Puzzle


Cub Scouts Scouts

Challenge Areas


Scout Method Elements

Personal Progression Patrol System Youth Leading, Adults Supporting

SPICES Growth Areas


The Adventure

Improve your visual spatial and problem solving skills by following the arrows to get from the start to the finish, and then challenge other patrols by creating your own puzzle.


  1. Gather the supplies needed to solve the puzzle including the puzzle sheet and a pen or pencil. You may find it beneficial to print the puzzle sheet in A3 and/or laminate the sheet for use between multiple patrols.
  2. Read the objective and puzzle rules carefully.

Beginning at the square marked 'start' connect all the flags and then reach the 'finish' square.

Puzzle Rules
- You may only travel in the direction of the arrow.
- You may move in any direction, including diagonally, from the start or flag squares.
- You may only visit each flag once.
- Your path may crossover itself and you can visit arrow squares as many times as you want.


  1. With your patrol or racing your patrol, solve the puzzle.
  2. Challenge yourself and others by making your own puzzle using the same base rules on a grid.


  1. Did you manage to solve the puzzle? You can check your answer against the suggested solution. Keep in mind that there may be other solutions.
  2. What skills did you use and develop to solve the puzzle?
  3. Did you find that other members of your patrol had different approaches to solving the puzzle? How?
  4. How could you make the puzzle easier or harder?
  5. Were other people able to solve the puzzle you created?