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Leave No Trace


Joey Scouts Cub Scouts

Challenge Areas

Community Outdoors Personal Growth

Scout Method Elements

Learning By Doing Nature and the Outdoors

SPICES Growth Areas

Intellectual Physical Social

The Adventure

Scouts will learn about how to look after habitats when we get out into nature.


Ask your Unit to consider the purpose of this activity:

  • Are we the only animals that use nature?
  • Where do small animals live?
  • Where do bugs, beetles, worms and butterflies live?
  • What happens when we move a bug’s house?


Take your Unit out for a walk around a park, observe any wildlife that live in or are visiting the park.

If you find any rocks or logs, you can see inside a bug’s home!

  • Gently get a Leader to lift the rock or log up and turn it over, so the youth can observe any bugs living underneath. Be careful of snakes!
  • Ask the youths to count how many bugs live underneath.
  • Return the log or rock to its original position.


Discuss with your Unit what you observed:

  • Were there more bugs underneath the rocks and logs than you expected?
  • How could we make sure bugs have a home to live in?
  • What happens when we pick up sticks and leaves whilst we are out in nature?
  • Are there animals that eat leaves, sticks and logs on the ground?
  • Is there anything that grows on rocks and logs that could be dangerous to us?
  • What are some things we can do to avoid disturbing wildlife while out in nature?
  • Are there other things we find in nature that we should leave behind?
  • Should we touch indigenous rock art or disturb sites of significance?

Ask your Unit to explain or discuss the seven principles of Leave No Trace:

  • Plan ahead and prepare
  • Travel and camp on durable surfaces
  • Dispose of waste properly
  • Leave what you find
  • Minimise campfire impacts
  • Respect wildlife
  • Be considerate of your hosts and other visitors