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Globe at Night


Scouts Venturer Scouts Rover Scouts

Challenge Areas

Community Outdoors

Scout Method Elements

Learning By Doing Patrol System Youth Leading, Adults Supporting

SPICES Growth Areas

Intellectual Social

The Adventure

Scouts will use the Globe at Night platform to measure and report light pollution in their area.


  • To do this activity, you’ll need to be outside after dark. The moon should not be visible during this activity. Make sure your Unit is wearing appropriate clothing.
  • You’ll need a device that can connect to the internet.
  • Consider the purpose of this activity:
  1. What is light pollution?
  2. How does light pollution impact people and wildlife?
  3. What constellations can you see from where you are in the world?
  4. How many of the constellations do you think you’ll be able to see?


  • Let your eyes get accustomed to the dark for 10 minutes.
  • Visit the Globe at Night website to input your observations.
  • Record where and when you are observing the sky.
  • Choose the star chart that looks most closely to what you see toward your constellation. What is the faintest star you can see in the sky and find in the chart?
  • Choose the amount of cloud cover at the time of observation and then click on the “SUBMIT DATA” button.


Discuss what you observed with your Unit:

  • Did you see as many stars as you expected?
  • If you tried this activity again in an area with more or less light pollution, would your results differ?
  • How could we reduce light pollution in our towns and cities?
  • How could you reduce light pollution at your Scout hall?