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Bee Hotels


Joey Scouts Cub Scouts Scouts

Challenge Areas

Creative Outdoors

Scout Method Elements

Nature and the Outdoors Patrol System

SPICES Growth Areas

Character Social

The Adventure

Scouts will learn about habitats animals have and why it’s important to leave things the way we found it. They will get to build a habitat for different bugs and bees to live in.


As a patrol or unit, have a discussion about habitat.
Let participants know what equipment they’ll need for this activity:

  • Clean tin cans
  • Bamboo canes
  • Non-toxic PVA glue
  • Wood glue
  • Paint
  • Two thin pieces of wood for the roof
  • A thin square piece of wood for the back of the hotel


Place the piece of wood you have chosen for the back of your bee hotel on the floor. Put wood glue on the bottom of the cans and stick them to the wood in a pyramid shape (two below, one on top). Leave them to dry for an hour.
Take the pieces of wood for your roof and place them in a triangle shape covering the cans. Glue the wood into place and leave them to dry for an hour.
Ask an adult to help you cut the bamboo canes into short sections the depth of the tin cans. Place a little PVA glue on the end of each cane and push it into the can. Fill up the can with the canes.
Now your bee hotel is nearly ready. Paint it in bright colours and patterns (with non-toxic paint) and leave it in a quiet, sunny, place outside for the bees to start using.


Bring your Unit together and talk about how the activity went:
Would you do anything differently? If so, what?
Was making the bug hotel easier or harder than what you expected?
What was a challenge you faced and how did you get through that feeling?
How did you show perseverance during the activities?