Floating a Brick
The Adventure
Can you solve the floating brick challenge from the 9th Box Hill and 1st Mont Albert Scouts?
Your challenge is simple - make a brick float on water!
Prepare your materials, you’ll need: a 3kg brick, rope, a big plastic container, small planks of wood, 2L bottle, and anything else you think might help you with the challenge!
Fill up a sink, or big bucket with water, or find yourself a pool, lake, river or ocean. Using whatever you can find, make your brick float!
- What did you have to do to get the brick to float?
- How did you work together as a patrol?
- After doing some research, can you explain how the brick floated from a scientific perspective?
- Remember, bricks are heavy! Make sure you don’t drop the brick on your fingers or toes.
- If your doing this challenge around a body of water, make sure you practise all your important water safety skills.