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Floating a Brick


Joey Scouts Cub Scouts Scouts

Challenge Areas

Personal Growth

Scout Method Elements

Learning By Doing Personal Progression Patrol System Youth Leading, Adults Supporting

SPICES Growth Areas


The Adventure

Can you solve the floating brick challenge from the 9th Box Hill and 1st Mont Albert Scouts?

Your challenge is simple - make a brick float on water!


Prepare your materials, you’ll need: a 3kg brick, rope, a big plastic container, small planks of wood, 2L bottle, and anything else you think might help you with the challenge!


Fill up a sink, or big bucket with water, or find yourself a pool, lake, river or ocean. Using whatever you can find, make your brick float!


  • What did you have to do to get the brick to float?
  • How did you work together as a patrol?
  • After doing some research, can you explain how the brick floated from a scientific perspective?


  • Remember, bricks are heavy! Make sure you don’t drop the brick on your fingers or toes.
  • If your doing this challenge around a body of water, make sure you practise all your important water safety skills.