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VEX IQ Robots (Building & Modifying)


Cub Scouts Scouts Venturer Scouts Rover Scouts

Challenge Areas

Creative Personal Growth

Scout Method Elements

Learning By Doing Personal Progression Patrol System Youth Leading, Adults Supporting

SPICES Growth Areas


The Adventure

Build your robotics skills by modifying a VEX IQ robot,

This Challenge Card is based on a VEX IQ (Gen 1) robot, however, the same ideas transfer to other robots and remote control devices.


  1. Investigate robots. What are they and what defines a robot? How are they used in the wider world?
  2. Investigate the key parts of a VEX IQ robot
  3. Investigate radio frequencies and how they could be used to help control robots? The VEX IQ robots will be using 900 MHz, 2.4 GHz, or their "Smart Radio". What do these first two frequencies mean?
  4. Investigate different sensors types and how they work? What type of sensors are on the robot? You may find this resource useful as a starting point.
  5. Decide if you want to build a robot from scratch or modify an already built robot, such as the Clawbot, and set a goal for what you would like your robot to be able to do.
  6. Make sure that you have read or had the safety section explained to you, and that you understand, and have a supervising adult present if required.
  7. Gather the materials you will need for your VEX IQ robotic experience. You will need a VEX IQ robot kit or Clawbot configured robot including a range of sensors and part, a VEX IQ remote with corresponding radio chip, a VEX IQ field or other suitable large, flat surface, and objects for various challenges such as VEX Cubes.


  1. If you are not already familiar with the VEX IQ robots, have a play with an already built robot and make sure that you can move backwards and forwards, turn left and right, raise the arms up and down, and open and close the claws, as applicable.
  2. Use the VEX IQ robot parts to modify or build your robot, incorporating different sensors and moving parts.
  3. Test your robot and compare it to your goal.
  4. Challenge your patrol to a robot competition. Who made the best robot?


  1. Did you manage to successfully build a robot? If not, what went wrong?
  2. What did you learn from building your robot? What did you enjoy about building your robot?
  3. What could you change on your robot to improve it?


  • The VEX IQ robots have mechanical and moving parts which may cause injury if used incorrectly.
  • Some aspects of the VEX IQ robots may be sensitive and prone to breaking. Take care when using the robots and follow any robot rules that are posted.
  • These robots contain small parts which may present a chocking hazard if swallowed. Ensure adult supervision for younger sections.


  • This Challenge Card is a great as part of a personal growth journey in exploring VEX IQ robots when combined with VEX IQ Robots (Controlling) and VEX IQ Robots (Programming).
  • The robots may be in different configurations. Try having multiple robot configurations - or different types or brands of robots - and evaluate the strength and weaknesses of each.
  • Make the robot building a timed challenge. Who can build the best robot quickest?